Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Cradle Cap

I know that this is kind of off the wall but I wanted to let all you moms with kids with cradle cap know I figured out how to get rid of it. Maybe Im the last one to figure it out but I'll just tell you anyway. Both my kids had it bad. I put some vitamin e on it(you could use any cooking oil) but I let it sit for a few minutes then took a little comb and it all came out right away. I didnt even need to scrub his little head or get the comb too close to hurt him. Anyway, I was just excited. I wish I knew how to do this when Allison still had it. Maybe she wouldnt have been bald.


Jenni said...

That is good to know :) My kids all got it but not too bad so I'll have to try that with the next one! Hope you are doing well with two babies now! Bless you!

The adventure continues... said...

You know what is crazy. My four year old still has craddle cap. I fought it for a while and did what you did and it worked but it always came back. So I've pretty much give up and let the craddle cap win. I figure it's got go eventually. My other babies didn't really get it.

Jenni said...

Not necessarily though Nicole, I have always had eczema on my scalp, cradle cap is just the juvenile version of that, some babies outgrow it and some people have it all their lives. I would love to know how to get rid of it but I just treat it with T-Gel and that helps but never takes it away. :( Hope Elizabeth blessed and does outgrow it!