Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Good Morning, well not really.

Well this whole night has been interesting. I couldn't fall asleep until 12 but before that Allison woke up. She has a little cold. So I kept trying to lay her back down and every time she would cry. So I brought her to bed with me and that didn't work out so well either. She kept moving all over and would whine when she was uncomfortable(especially when I was about to fall asleep). So that lasted pretty much all night. Then I woke up at about 5:30 to a very awake baby. We usually wake up at about 8:00. Anyway thats why Im here now. Thanks for listening to my whining.


Jenni said...

Sounds of a familiar tale! I had a revelation when I was enormously pregnant with Eamon and Aidan had a similar night like that, "what am I going to do when this happens and I have two babies and I am nursing one and caring for another sick one who doesn't want to share mommy's lap?!! Well, we've done it a couple times and that is when I am really grateful my husband is so involved even if he is half asleep:)

I left a comment on my comment box regarding your question. Hope things go better tonight!

Karen said...

Hey there, 'Melia!

I'll have to show the littles your pictures...they'll love seeing little Allison!

I hope that you blog often...it'd be great to see what you're up to, since we don't touch base very much anymore! ('Cept at the grocery store!)

Love you,

Sabrina said...

Don't stop now! I love looking at the pictures of your little girl! You have to throw in a few mommy/daughter pictures as well!